Best CrossFit Shoes for Women 2020
Image by ziggiana from Pixabay CrossFit is more than a type of class; it is an exercise program. Having the right shoes is
Image by ziggiana from Pixabay CrossFit is more than a type of class; it is an exercise program. Having the right shoes is
Metcon: Squating Randy & Nicole 5 rounds for time 15 squats snatches 75/55 max pull ups
Skill : 5×5 deadlift Metcon : Chipper 50 dual dumbbell cluster 50/35 50 devil press 50/35
Metcon : For time 21-15-9 alternating pistols box jump overs 24/20 then… 9-7-5 wall walks Inverted burpee then… 100 pairs
Skill: 8×3 Shoulder to Overhead Metcon : Amrap 9 1- Complex : 6 hang power clean & jerk + 3
Skill : Superset : 6 6 single arm Turkish sit up 6 single arm Turkish sit up 12 toes to
Skill : 5×5 back squat metcon : 21-15-9 chest to bar pull up overhead squats 115/65
Metcon : 10 rounds for time 10 box jump overs 24/20 10 ab roller 10 plate 15/10 Turkish sit up
Metcon : Ascending Fran meets Murph Run around block 21 thrusters 95/65 21 pull ups 15 thrusters 115/85 15 chest
Skill : Super set – 5 10-single arm Turkish sit up 10-single arm Turkish sit up 10 v ups metcon